Understand the disaster information
In order to do the right actions towards disaster, read and understand the type and contents of information.
This page introduce the type and contents of information during disaster.
Official announcement guidance at the time of disaster
Understand the type of guidance
If disaster occurred, the Soja city may issued evacuation preparation information, evacuaton advisory and evacuation directive to all residents and visitors of acknowledged areas. Beforehand, be sure to understand what kind of advisory is taking place, and protect youself at the time of disaster.

- Evacuation directive
- We highly recommend evacuation for residents which areas are in dangered and damage is more expected due to disaster.
- Evacuation advisory
- We advice to evacuate peole living in an area with a high risk of disaster.
- Evacuation preparation information.
- It is a call for residents to prepare for evacuation, elderly people and people with disabilities should start the evacuation early.

water level information
Water level Title and Depth
Indicator of the water level is set to each disignated river. This term is used for disaster information, it is easier to grasp the situation of disaster if you check it in advance.
A water level which is a measure to announce evacuation preparation information. The designated river flood forcast flood warning information.
Evacuation decision water level. The water level which is a measure to announce evacuation information. The designated river flood forcast evacuation information.
The water level in the river may overflow. The designated river flood forcast flood risk information.
Embankment of the river is provided for the purpose of preventing the flood.
If you click the mouse below the water level, the explaination of water level estimation is indicated.
- Flood alert
water level - Evacuation decision
water level - Flood risk
level - estimated high
water level
Water level of Takahashi River
You can get the water level information not only thru mail magazine or news, check each observatory data in real time via Web site. For further information, visit the page of Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport Tourism of water level information below.