Preparation of emergency supply kit
Prepare emergency bag in advance. In case of emergency, It is needed for evacuating. You can buy these things at 100Yen goods, you can prepare emergency bag within 1000Yen.
Based on the reference examples below, let's prepare emergency carry bags that were in accordance with your health condition, living environment etc. As a precaution, even if you prepare emergency carry bags all the time, it wil not make sense unless you can bring it out at a rough time. Let's put it in front of the door or a place where you can easily take it out There is a best-before date for drinking water and food. Change the clothes in your carry bag according to the season.
For Children
Emergency kit bag for children (sample reference items)
①Drinking water
You should prepare this, at the time of disaster when the water supply is cut off
②Memo Pad
Write down your information such as name, contacts, if you have allergies in advance.
Easy to eat in case of hunger.
Easy to eat. If possible choose a bland taste biscuits.
It protects your head, and also be used as disaster prevention measures.
It's useful during blackout.
Not only for rain, but it can be an outfit for cold weather. Pay attention of the size for children and adults.
⑧Cards (plaything)
Eliminate the anxiety of living in evacuation shelter.
During disaster it will help you where you are.
⑩Emergency bag
We suggest to use a backpack it's easy to bring.
For adults
Emergency bag for adults. (sample reference items)
①Drinking water
You should prepare this, at the time of disaster when the water supply is cut off.
Use long towel. It's useful in some way such as scarf or wiping perspiration.
③Portable Toilet
Coagulant type or Plymeric absorbent, it is useful in time of disaster.
④Cutter knife
Choose a safety one. It is convenient such as cooking and field work.
It's useful during blackout. There's a battery-free manual power type.
Easy to eat. If possible choose a bland taste biscuits.
Easy to eat in case of hunger.
⑧Wistle, cotton work glove, set of rope
During disaster it will help you where you are.
⑨Garbage bag
You can substitute it as a raincoat and winter(artic)clothes.
⑩Emergency bag
We suggest to use a backpack、 it's easy to bring.
For elderly person
Emergency bag for elderly person. (sample reference items)
①Drinking water
You should prepare this, at the time of disaster when the water supply is cut off.
Use long towel. It's useful in some way such as scarf or wiping perspiration.
During disaster it will help you where you are.
④Memo Pad
Write down your information such as name, contacts, if you have allergies in advance.
It's useful during blackout. There's a battery-free manual power type.
Not only for rain, but it can be an outfit for cold weather. Pay attention of the size for children and adults.
Easy to eat. If possible choose a bland taste biscuits.
⑧Reading glasses
Personal necessities for evacuation life.
⑨Paper pants(diapers)
Those who need this item must prepare for evacuation life.
⑩Emergency bag
We suggest to use a backpack、 it's easy to bring.