Flood and Landslide disaster hazard map
(Digital Version)
Flood and Landslide Disaster Hazard Map (Digital version) was created based on the Flood and Landslide Disaster Hazard Map (preservation version) made in March 2020. You can see at a glance the depth and range of the water that is assumed when Takashi river, Shinpon river, Ashimori river, Suna river and Mae river flooded. In addition, landslide may occur during heavy rain, the evacuation location of each district is posted together.
This map displays the summary of disaster hazards location etc.. It was created to help every citizen with an early voluntary evacaution and to have local people and families think about it.
If there is a possibility of disaster, pay attention to weather information and information from the city, keep in mind to evacuate early.
−When acces centers, the button operation reaction becomes slow.−
−Depends upon the version of Internet Explorer it may not be displayed correctly.−